For Hunters
We would like to invite you to hunt on the terrain of our beautiful country of Poland!
Poland is full of beautiful and unique hunting areas, where you will certainly have the opportunity to meet various species of animals. Poland is also a country of rich hunting tradition, which has been cultivated for centuries by successive generations of hunters. In their company you will have the opportunity to discover the richness of Polish forests, and thanks to their experience you can expect beautiful trophies of game.
But Poland is primarily a country known for it’s hospitable and warm people and delicious cuisine!
Our offers provide:
- Individual hunting outings
- roebucks (may; period of the rut)
- red deers stags (period of the rut)
- fallow deers stags (period of the rut)
- rams (mouflons)
- hunting females
- wild boars
- roe deers: females/kids
- red deers: does/fawns
- fallow deers: does/fawns
- mouflons: sheeps/lambs
- wildfowl
- ducks
- geese
- pheasants
- Driven hunting outings of large game
(The offer can be adapted to the individual needs of each customer)